Alphabetical Index of Topics

Academic Difficulty and Recovery (I-1)
Academic Entrance and Retention Requirements for Undergraduate Majors and Colleges (P-13)
Academic Information System (B-5)
Academic Integrity (G-9)
Academic Program or Minor Closure (P-4)
Academic Renewal (K-2)
Administrative Enrollment Controls for Undergraduate Majors (P-5)
Administrative Processing for Adult Learner Students (M-4)
Admission of High School Students and "Experimental" Admissions Programs (A-9)
Alternative Grading (G-11)
Articulation Agreements (Domestic and International Partners) (A-11)
Assignment of Advisers (B-4)
Authorization to Offer Courses (P-11)
Certification of Degree Conferral (N-4)
Change of Major (D-2)
Changes in Undergraduate Programs/Majors, Options, IUGs, and Minors (P-2)
Class Attendance (E-11)
Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) Change Procedure for Undergraduate Programs (P-14)
Classroom Academic Freedom Conference and Mediation (R-6)
Closing or Controlling Admission to a College (A-10)
College, Campus, and Administrative Advising Information and Communications (B-6)
Completion of Degree Requirements at Other Institutions (L-2)
Completion of Enrollment in Division of Undergraduate Studies (D-4)
Concurrent and Sequential Majors Programs (M-3)
Confidentiality of Student Records (N-1)
Conflict Final Examinations (F-3)
Conflict Non-Final Examinations (F-4)
Corrected Grades (G-5)
Course Repeats - 2021 (C-7)
Course Substitution Process in Relation to Degree Requirements (E-12)
Courses with Requirements that Extend Beyond Semester Boundaries (C-6)
Credit by Examination (E-2)
Credit by Portfolio Assessment (E-10)
Credit by Transfer from Other Institutions (E-5)
Curricular Principles and Procedures (P-0)
Dean's List (G-8)
Deferred Grades (DF) (G-3)
Degree Checking (L-2)
Degree Rescission (L-11)
Degree Student to Nondegree Student (A-7)
Degree-Seeking Student Conditonally Enrolled in DUS (A-3)
Developing the Course Offering (C-1)
Digital Learning Cooperative (P-10)
Disciplinary Communities (P-12)
Drops (or Disenrollments) by College (I-5)
Early and Temporary Change of Campus (D-5)
Education Abroad Programs (M-8)
Educational Creditor Training Programs in Non-collegiate Organizations (E-9)
Educational Experiences in the Armed Services (E-8)
Enforcement of Recommended Preparation and Prerequisite, Concurrent, Co-requisite Courses (C-5)
Enrollment Status (N-5)
Entrance to College and Lower Division Campus (D-1)
Evening Examinations (F-5)
Final Examinations (F-2)
First-Year Seminars (L-9)
First-Year Student (A-1)
Five Year Automatic Drops (P-7)
Grade Mediation and Adjudication (G-10)
Grade Reporting (G-1)
Graduation Policies—Associate Degree (O-2)
Graduation Policies—Baccalaureate Degree (O-1)
Graduation with Distinction (O-4)
Guidelines for Undergraduate Credit Certificates (M-12)
Holding Conferral of a Degree for Disciplinary Reasons (L-10)
Holds on Student Registration (N-2)
Intercollege Undergraduate Programs (M-5)
International Travel Policy for Penn State Undergraduate Students (R-7)
Last Date of Academically-Related Activity (N-6)
Leave of Absence (J-2)
Limitations on Source and Time for Credit Acquisition (L-13)
Limitations to Enrollment as a Nondegree Student (I-6)
Merged into E-6 (E-7)
Military leave of Absence, Withdrawal, and Late Drop (J-3)
Minimum Course Enrollment Threshold Expectations (C-3)
Minors–Entrance and Certification (L-6)
Moving/Sharing/Discontinuing Degree Programs Among Colleges and Campuses (P-3)
National and International Standardized Testing (E-6)
New Undergraduate Degrees/Majors, Options, IUGs, and Minors; or Name Changes (P-1)
No Grade (NG) (G-2)
Nondegree Students (A-4)
Nondegree to Degree Candidate (A-5)
Nondegree to Degree-Campuses/Colleges (A-6)
Participation in Commencement Ceremonies (O-6)
Posthumous Conferral of Degrees (O-5)
Program Descriptions for Other Publications (P-9)
Program Descriptions for the Bulletin (P-8)
Re-enrollment as a Degree Candidate (K-1)
Recovery Points (H-3)
Registration (C-2)
Reinstatement (I-2)
Religious Observances (R-4)
Responsibilities of Advisers and Advisees (B-3)
Retroactive Degree Conferral (L-12)
Satisfactory-Unsatisfactory (G-6)
Schreyer Honors College (M-11)
Special Course Registration Control (C-4)
Special Titling of Common Courses (P-6)
Status of Applicants Who Took Col. Courses Sr. Year H.S. (A-8)
Structure of the University's Advising Program (B-1)
Student Progress Reporting (G-7)
Syllabus (R-5)
Textbook Lists (R-1)
The Nature of the University Advising Program (B-2)
Transfer Student and Transfer Course Processes (A-2)
Undergraduate Grade Forgiveness (H-2)
Withdrawal (J-1)