B-5: Academic Information System

The University maintains the Starfish system to provide general and individual information needed by advisers and advisees in fulfilling their responsibilities under Senate Policy 32-20. Starfish is accessible at all locations of the University.

Colleges maintain academic information systems, including Web-based communication channels and publications, as part of their advising programs.  Their information systems may include details of their unit's own policies, procedures, and practices in implementing academic advising programs.


Approved: ACUI (4-15-76) 
Revised: ACUI (5-19-83) 
Revised: ACUE (7-26-96) 
Revised: ACUE (4-2-98) 
Revised: Editorial (9-6-01) 
Revised: Editorial (5-25-10)
Revised: Editorial (9-18-17)