A-9: Admission of High School Students and "Experimental" Admissions Programs

A. Admission of High School Students

Qualified students enrolled in, but not yet graduated from high school may enroll in Penn State credit courses as non-degree students. They may not enroll as provisional students. Senate Policy 14-00 Nondegree Student Classification and Course Enrollment is a governing policy for all non-degree students seeking Residential Education, World Campus, and Continuing Education enrollment. Admitted high school students must maintain concurrent student status in their school district and continue to make progress toward completion of the credits necessary for a high school diploma.

Enrollment is normally limited to eight credits per semester. Exceptions require approval by the University Special Committee on High School Admissions, which includes three members: a member of the University Faculty Senate appointed by the Senate Chair, a member of the Office of Undergraduate Admissions appointed by the Director of Undergraduate Admissions, and a member of the Office of Undergraduate Education appointed by the Vice President and Dean for Undergraduate Education. Requests for a maximum credit exception should include a rationale and compelling evidence that the student is prepared to undertake a course load of more than eight credits.

Requests to permit students to exceed these limits must be specially justified to the Senate Committee on Admissions, Records, Scheduling, and Student Aid by the student or by the academic administrator proposing a special program or institute.

Review and admissions approval for students who have completed the 11th grade is provided by the Undergraduate Admissions Office for University Park applications and by campus admissions officers and requires completion of a non-degree application form. Decisions are based upon: completion of the 11th grade, and the prediction of a 2.00 or better college grade-point average based upon SAT I, PSAT, or ACT scores. Those without standardized test scores are evaluated by the Undergraduate Admissions Officer designated to handle high school students and the high school counselor recommendation. Some programs may use additional criteria such as language skills or talent portfolios as the primary basis for participation.

Each school student enrolled in a for-credit course must receive advising by an appropriate academic adviser, usually from the Division of Undergraduate Studies.

High school students may not enroll during the academic year in Penn State credit courses that are equivalent to course content available in their high schools.

B. Admission of High School Students Who Have Not Completed 11th Grade

The University Special Committee on High School Admissions reviews and makes admissions decisions for all students who will not have completed 11th grade at the time of enrollment. Otherwise, each of the conditions noted in Section A are applicable. The committee pays special attention to indicators of a student's ability to perform at an advanced level. The committee also may consider additional factors, such as the suitability of a particular course environment for younger students.

C. Experimental Programs

Special and Experimental programs and institutes offering Penn State credits to high school students must be approved by the Senate Committee on Admissions, Records, Scheduling, and Student Aid. Programs that plan to regularly enroll students who have not completed the 11th grade also must receive program approval from the University Special Committee on High School Admissions.

Special and Experimental program and institute enrollments are exceptions to general admissions policies in that they need not require possession of a high school diploma or its equivalent. Consequently, the Senate Committee on Admissions, Records, Scheduling, and Student Aid must present an annual report on these enrollments to the Faculty Senate.


Approved: Senate (5-7-74)
Revised: Senate (3-1-77)
Revised: ACUE (3-4-99)
Revised: Editorial (11-1-07)
Revised: ACUE (12-6-12)