A-3: Degree-Seeking Student Conditonally Enrolled in DUS

Academic advisers in the Division of Undergraduate Studies will work with conditionally enrolled students so that they develop viable plans for transitioning out of conditional status.  This work will include:

  • monitoring the academic progress of all degree-seeking students conditionally enrolled in DUS according to University policies on Academic Difficulty and Recovery,
  • informing students conditionally enrolled in DUS of the requirements for change of enrollment (Ref: Senate Policy 12-00), and
  • ensuring that students conditionally enrolled in DUS are aware that they are limited to 36 credits at Penn State in this status, at which point they must seek enrollment in a degree program to continue.  Exceptions to the 36-credit maximum will be reviewed on a case-by-base basis by the Executive Director of the Division of Undergraduate Studies and are not guaranteed.

Senate Policy:  10-00, Degree-Seeking Students in the Division of Undergraduate Studies with Conditions


Approved: ACUI (9-13-79)
Revised: ACUI (4-8-82)
Revised: ACUE (7-26-96)
Revised: ACUE (9-4-14)
Revised: Editorial (1-25-18)
Revised:  ACUE (3-15-2019)