F-4: Conflict Non-Final Examinations

Procedure: Student Guidelines

  1. Students should review their scheduled absences with instructors (faculty) at the beginning of each semester. Every effort should be made to identify conflicts as soon as possible to allow maximum resolution time.
  2. At the beginning of the semester, the student should obtain a letter or the Class Absence form from the sponsoring unit/department that delineates all anticipated excused absences for the semester. This should be given to the instructor no later than one week in advance of the proposed absence.
  3. Students who are issued the approved Class Absence form from the sponsoring unit/department should use this form to confirm previously discussed absences with faculty. The form should be shared with instructors prior to the absence.
  4. Students should discuss with their instructors any unanticipated absences as soon as they become aware of such events.

Faculty Guidelines

  1. When presented with the Class Absence form (or other appropriate documentation), faculty should provide the student with a make-up opportunity that ensures the promotion of learning. By providing evaluation similar to that given in the scheduled class or evening exam, faculty do not penalize the student who has a legitimate reason for being absent.
  2. Faculty who may have difficulty scheduling an evening and/or non-evening conflict examination or quiz should contact their own department for assistance in locating an appropriate facility and/or proctor.


  1. Students should obtain a letter or the Class Absence form from the sponsoring unit/department delineating the semester's anticipated excused absences. This must be presented to the respective faculty member at least one week in advance of the University-approved activity in order to provide the faculty member adequate time to prepare make-up opportunities. Unanticipated absences should be brought to instructors' attention as soon as the student becomes aware of such events.
  2. Students who believe they have been unfairly denied a make-up opportunity should, after trying to resolve the problem with the course instructor, contact the head of the department for the course in which the student is enrolled.
  3. If the problem is not resolved, the student should contact the sponsoring unit/department (in some instances, this may be the student's college assistant/associate dean for undergraduate programs or the student's campus chief academic officer) and provide documentation describing the unresolved make-up opportunity. The sponsoring unit/ department should attempt to resolve the problem.
  4. If the problem is still unresolved, the sponsoring unit/department should forward the documentation to the Vice President and Dean for Undergraduate Education for resolution.

Approved: ACAS (4-6-90)
Revised: Editorial (1-20-10)