P-6: Special Titling of Common Courses


There exists a number of special types of course offerings for which the use of common course codes would be appropriate. Common course codes are available for research projects, internships (including practicums and field experience), independent studies, special topics, and foreign studies. If a program area chooses to offer such a course, it would only use the following course numbers:

  • 294, 494, 594: Research Projects
    • on-campus, individual or small group instruction
  • 195, 295, 395, 495, 595: Internship
    • (also practicums and field experience)
    • off-campus, non-group instruction
  • 296, 496, 596: Independent Study
    • on- or off- campus, non-group instruction
  • 297, 497, 597: Special Topics
    • on-campus, group instruction
  • 99, 199, 299, 399, 499: Foreign Studies
    • off-campus, individual or group instruction

Once approved by the Senate Committee on Curricular Affairs, these courses are available for offering on a semester-by-semester basis without further action by the Senate Committee.


Unless requests for special titling are made, approved 294/494/594, 195/295/395/595, 296/496/596, 297/497/597, and 99/199/299/399/499 courses will have the titles of Research Projects, Internship, Independent Study, Special Topics, and Foreign Studies, respectively, listed in Schedule of Classes/Supplement and on student academic records.

Each special title must have a unique course number in order to associate the special title with the course to be offered in a particular semester. This can be accomplished by adding an alpha suffix to the basic course number. Alpha suffixes are restricted to the letters "A" through "G" and "I" and "K", and in order to minimize confusion, program areas should use all letters in the series "A" through "G" and "I" and "K" before repeating a letter. (The letter "H" is reserved for honors courses and the letter "J" is reserved for individual instruction courses.)


  • ED 497A - Trends in Soc Stds
  • ED 497B - Values/Moral Ed
  • ED 497C - Law/Related Ed
  • ED 497D - Consumer Ed

This procedure will allow the use of multiple titles within the same basic course number each semester.

Requests for special titles are made by letter from the individual program area to the University Senate Curriculum Recorder. The letter should include the course number with the alpha suffix, complete and abbreviated title (18 space limit), and the semester or semesters of offering. Requests for special titles are due in the University Senate Office at least four weeks prior to the beginning of the semester in which the course is to be offered.

(Ref: Senate Records, June 1977, November 1977, June 1980, June 1981, and February 1983)


Approved: ACUI (7-13-78)
Revised: ACUI (6-19-80)
Revised: ACUI (9-25-80)
Revised: ACUI (2-25-82)
Revised: ACUI (5-19-83)
Revised: Editorial (8-4-22)