G-6: Satisfactory-Unsatisfactory


To exercise the satisfactory/unsatisfactory option, a student must (a) consult with the student's adviser and obtain administrative approval in those colleges that require it; and (b) file the Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory Grade Option form with the Registrar's office during calendar days 11 through 21 of the semester. (Ref: Senate Policy 49-60)

Approved: ACUI (4-29-76)
Revised: ACUI (9-10-81)
Revised: ACUI (3-29-84)
Revised: ACAS (4-14-89)
Revised: ACUE (7-26-96)


  1. The monitoring of the form filing and grade recording procedures will be handled by the Registrar's office.
  2. The monitoring of the provisions of the satisfactory/unsatisfactory policy and the requirements established by each college will be handled by the college deans.
  3. Students are responsible for being aware of the requirements and limitations of their college regarding the Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory Grading System Policy. Students transferring to another college or from the Division of Undergraduate Studies should be aware of the accepting college's requirements and limitations regarding the transfer of satisfactory/unsatisfactory credits before the transfer is made.
  4. When revisions are made in the college set of requirements, the college should send written notification to the Vice Provost and Dean for Undergraduate Education.

Approved: ACUI (1-22-76)
Effective: Summer Term 1976
Revised: ACUI (5-19-83)
Revised: ACUI (3-29-84)
Revised: ACUE (7-26-96)