F-2: Final Examinations


For courses in which a final exam is required, the time and location are determined by the Registrar's office based upon departmental requests submitted by the end of the regular drop/add period for the semester. Final exam periods are a maximum of 110 minutes in length. Procedures for publishing the final exam schedule vary among campuses and include:

  • Publication of final exam schedule on the campus registrar's web page
  • Access to individualized student and faculty final exam schedules on LionPATH

Faculty members should make appropriate announcements in class, and/or use electronic sources such as Canvas to help make students aware of the final exam location and time. (Ref: Senate Policies 44-10 and 44-20)

End-of-semester exams worth more than ten percent of the course grade normally must be scheduled during the university's posted final exam period.

Faculty are not required to administer final exams. However, when courses require alternative student work such as term papers, projects, studio assignments or take-home exams that will be evaluated and that will account for 11 percent or more of the final course grade, the assignment due date must be no earlier than the first day of the final examination period.

Exceptions to the provisions of this policy may be granted only for educational reasons and only as recommended by the faculty of the program offering the course and approved by the appropriate dean or chancellor.

A student who believes that an exam or other end-of-semester assignment has been scheduled in contradiction of Senate Policy 44-20 and/or AAPP F-2 should, within one week of the announcement of the exam or assignment, communicate her or his concern to the course instructor. On the rare occasion that a student and instructor fail to resolve the concern through informal means, the student may request that the associate dean or director of academic affairs of the college or campus offering the course review the issue and take appropriate action to mediate and seek resolution.


Approved: ACUI (9-15-77)
Revised: ACUI (5-19-83)
Revised: ACUE (7-26-96)
Revised: ACUE (12-4-08)
Revised: ACUE (4-2-09)
Revised: Editorial (9-18-17)