You are viewing a prior version of this Policy. A more current version of this Policy is available at: I-1: Academic Difficulty and Recovery.

I-1: Academic Progress Actions for Degree Students - 2016


When students fail to make adequate progress towards meeting and maintaining a 2.00 grade-point average as required for graduation, various academic progress statuses are used to serve as notification of such failure and to assist the students in correcting their academic difficulties to include academic warning (54-20) and academic suspension (54-40). A table in policy 54-00 specifies the conditions under which a student’s status will change. All students who earn a semester grade-point average less than 2.00 will receive a letter apprising them of the consequences to their degree progress if they do not improve their grades and noting what actions they need to take to try to improve their cumulative grade-point average.

Although not placed on an academic warning, first-semester students who have taken fewer than 19 credits and who earn a semester grade-point average less than a 2.00 should meet with an academic adviser, to develop plans for improvement during the second semester. In addition, it may be useful for such students to meet with other university representatives, such as a career service representative or learning center staff member, as these staff may be able to provide guidance on other student success support structures.

Students placed on academic warning will have a hold placed on their registration and will be required to meet with an academic adviser to review academic goals and past difficulty in order for this registration hold to be removed. Students in academic warning status may continue to enroll for classes as long as their semester grade-point average continues at a 2.00 or higher. To remove an academic warning, the cumulative grade-point average must be 2.00 or higher. Students in academic warning who fail to maintain a semester grade-point average of 2.00 or higher will be academically suspended.

Students who have been academically suspended will have a hold placed on their registration and may not schedule courses at the University for two consecutive semesters (Note: Summer session is equal to one semester and includes all courses offered after Spring semester and before Fall semester). A student returning from academic suspension must apply for re-enrollment following the procedures in AAPP K-1 and returns to the University in warning status, with his/her former cumulative grade-point average, and with a hold placed on the registration. The student must follow the requirements and procedures of the college for which re-enrollment as a degree candidate is sought. Identifying realistic plans are important components of the re-enrollment process. Conversations that include appropriateness of goals including fit of major and ability to meet entrance requirements are important considerations in re-enrollment decisions. Discussion of these pieces can help students select and formulate realistic and successful academic plans.

A student who has been placed on academic suspension two times and fails to achieve at least a 2.00 semester GPA is subject to academic dismissal and is no longer permitted to take courses at the University. After a period of four calendar years, a student who has been academically dismissed from the University may seek re-enrollment to the University by requesting academic renewal.

Senate Policies: 

(Ref: Senate Policies 54-00, and 58-50)

Senate Policy:  54-00, Academic Progress


Approved: Senate (6-5-78)
Approved: ACUI (7-13-78)
Effective: Summer Term 1978
Revised: Senate (2-1-83)
Revised: ACAS (12-2-88)
Revised: ACUE (6-4-15); Effective Fall 2016
Revised: Editorial (9-30-16)

Previous Policy Version: 

You are viewing a prior version of this Policy. A more current version of this Policy is available at: I-1: Academic Difficulty and Recovery.