Articulation Agreements

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Bloomsburg University

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Penn State



Bloomsburg University and the academic units of The Pennsylvania State University offering engineering degrees agree to establish a dual degree program in liberal arts and sciences and engineering. A participating student will spend three years or the equivalent at Bloomsburg University for the study of liberal arts and sciences subjects along with available pre-engineering courses. Upon satisfactory completion of the first three years, the student will enter The Pennsylvania State University (hereinafter referred to as "Penn State") and complete remaining prerequisite courses and the engineering major degree requirements

Butler County Community College

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Erie, The Behrend College



Agreement between Penn State Erie, The Behrend College and Butler County Community College (BCCC) allowing graduates of BCCC's Associate in Applied Science programs in Chemistry, Engineering, and Mathematics entry into Behrend's Plastics Engineering Technology program. 

Upon completion of one of these associate degree programs at BCCC, the student will enter Penn State Behrend's School of Engineering to complete the upper division plastics engineering technology course requirements as specified by that institution. 

Successful completion of these requirements will lead to a baccalaureate degree in Plastics Engineering Technology (PLET) from Penn State Behrend.

Butler County Community College

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University College



The Pennsylvania State University, on behalf of the University College Commonwealth campuses, Penn State Beaver, Penn State Brandywine, Penn State DuBois, Penn State Fayette, Penn State Greater Allegheny, Penn State Hazleton, Penn State Lehigh Valley, Penn State Mont Alto, Penn State New Kensington, Penn State Schuylkill, Penn State Shenango, Penn State Wilkes-Barre, Penn State Worthington Scranton, and Penn State York and Butler County Community College establish this Memorandum of Agreement regarding articulation to facilitate the matriculation of students from Butler County Community College to Penn State University College Commonwealth campus. The purpose of the agreement is to provide a pathway for students who have successfully completed a transfer associate degree program at Butler County Community College to transition to a parallel baccalaureate degree program at a Penn State University College Commonwealth campus. The agreement defines admission criteria and processes, evaluation of transfer credits and academic advising services to support students in their transition from Butler County Community College to a Penn State University College Commonwealth campus.

Butler County Community College - Computer Engineering

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Erie, The Behrend College



Agreement between Penn State Erie, The Behrend College and Butler County Community College (BCCC) allowing graduates of BCCC's Associate in Applied Science programs entry into Penn State Behrend's Engineering and Technology programs (other than Plastics Engineering Technology). Upon completion of one of these associate degree programs at BCCC, the student will enter Penn State Behrend's School of Engineering to complete the upper division engineering or engineering technology course requirements as specified by that institution. Successful completion of these requirements will lead to a baccalaureate degree from Penn State Behrend.

Butler County Community College - Electrical and Computer Engineering

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Erie, The Behrend College



Agreement between Penn State Erie, The Behrend College and Butler County Community College (BCCC) allowing graduates of BCCC's Associate in Applied Science programs entry into Penn State Behrend's Engineering and Technology programs (other than Plastics Engineering Technology). Upon completion of one of these associate degree programs at BCCC, the student will enter Penn State Behrend's School of Engineering to complete the upper division engineering or engineering technology course requirements as specified by that institution. Successful completion of these requirements will lead to a baccalaureate degree from Penn State Behrend.

Butler County Community College - Electrical Engineering

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Erie, The Behrend College



Agreement between Penn State Erie, The Behrend College and Butler County Community College (BCCC) allowing graduates of BCCC's Associate in Applied Science programs entry into Penn State Behrend's Engineering and Technology programs (other than Plastics Engineering Technology). Upon completion of one of these associate degree programs at BCCC, the student will enter Penn State Behrend's School of Engineering to complete the upper division engineering or engineering technology course requirements as specified by that institution. Successful completion of these requirements will lead to a baccalaureate degree from Penn State Behrend.

Butler County Community College - Industrial Engineering

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Erie, The Behrend College



Agreement between Penn State Erie, The Behrend College and Butler County Community College (BCCC) allowing graduates of BCCC's Associate in Applied Science programs entry into Penn State Behrend's Engineering and Technology programs (other than Plastics Engineering Technology). Upon completion of one of these associate degree programs at BCCC, the student will enter Penn State Behrend's School of Engineering to complete the upper division engineering or engineering technology course requirements as specified by that institution. Successful completion of these requirements will lead to a baccalaureate degree from Penn State Behrend.

Butler County Community College - Mechanical Engineering

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Erie, The Behrend College



Agreement between Penn State Erie, The Behrend College and Butler County Community College (BCCC) allowing graduates of BCCC's Associate in Applied Science programs entry into Penn State Behrend's Engineering and Technology programs (other than Plastics Engineering Technology). Upon completion of one of these associate degree programs at BCCC, the student will enter Penn State Behrend's School of Engineering to complete the upper division engineering or engineering technology course requirements as specified by that institution. Successful completion of these requirements will lead to a baccalaureate degree from Penn State Behrend.

Butler County Community College - Mechanical Engineering Technology

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Erie, The Behrend College



Agreement between Penn State Erie, The Behrend College and Butler County Community College (BCCC) allowing graduates of BCCC's Associate in Applied Science programs entry into Penn State Behrend's Engineering and Technology programs (other than Plastics Engineering Technology). Upon completion of one of these associate degree programs at BCCC, the student will enter Penn State Behrend's School of Engineering to complete the upper division engineering or engineering technology course requirements as specified by that institution. Successful completion of these requirements will lead to a baccalaureate degree from Penn State Behrend.

Butler County Community College - Software Engineering

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Erie, The Behrend College



Agreement between Penn State Erie, The Behrend College and Butler County Community College (BCCC) allowing graduates of BCCC's Associate in Applied Science programs entry into Penn State Behrend's Engineering and Technology programs (other than Plastics Engineering Technology). Upon completion of one of these associate degree programs at BCCC, the student will enter Penn State Behrend's School of Engineering to complete the upper division engineering or engineering technology course requirements as specified by that institution. Successful completion of these requirements will lead to a baccalaureate degree from Penn State Behrend.

Cecil College

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The purpose of the Agreement is to provide a pathway for students who have successfully completed an Associate of the Arts in General Studies at Cecil College to transition to a baccalaureate degree program at Penn State Harrisburg. The Agreement defines admission criteria and processes, course equivalencies, and academic advising servics to support students in their transition from Cecil College to Penn State Harrisburg.

Chatham University

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Penn State


The Pennsylvania State University (PSU) and Chatham University (CU) agree to mutual cooperation in articulating their programs in Occupational Therapy. A student who has earned both an Associate in Science degree with a major in Occupational Therapy (2OTA) and is working toward completion of a Bachelor's degree from PSU may be eligible for admission to the five year CU Master of Occupational Therapy (MOT) Program.

Coastline Community College

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College of the Liberal Arts


An Articulation Agreement between Coastline Community College and The Pennsylvania State University through College of the Liberal Arts on the Bachelor of Arts in Psychology and the Bachelor of Science in Psychology as offered through Penn State World Campus

Community College of Allegheny County

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University College



The Pennsylvania State University, on behalf of the University College for Penn State Beaver, Penn State Brandywine, Penn State DuBois, Penn State Fayette, Penn State Greater Allegheny, Penn State Hazleton, Penn State Lehigh Valley, Penn State Mont Alto, Penn State New Kensington, Penn State Schuylkill, Penn State Shenango, Penn State Wilkes-Barre, Penn State Worthington Scranton and Penn State York and Community College of Allegheny County establish this Memorandum of Agreement Regarding Articulation to facilitate the matriculation of students from Community College of Allegheny County to the University College campuses of The Pennsylvania State University. The purpose of the agreement is to provide a pathway for students who have successfully completed a transfer associate degree program at Community College of Allegheny County to transition to a parallel baccalaureate degree program at the Penn State University College campuses. The agreement defines admission criteria and processes, evaluation of transfer credits and academic advising services to support students in their transition from Community College of Allegheny County to the Penn State University College campuses.

Community College of Beaver County - 2024

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University College



The Pennsylvania State University (PSU), through the University College (UC) for Penn State Beaver, Penn State Brandywine, Penn State DuBois, Penn State Fayette, Penn State Greater Allegheny, Penn State Hazleton, Penn State Lehigh Valley, Penn State Mont Alto, Penn State New Kensington, Penn State Schuylkill, Penn State Shenango, Penn State Wilkes-Barre, Penn State Worthington Scranton and Penn State York (PSU UC Campuses) and Community College of Beaver County (CCBC) establish this Memorandum of Agreement Regarding Articualtion to facilitate the matriculation of students from CCBC to the PSU UC campuses. The purpose of the agreement is to provide a pathway for students who have successfully completed a transfer associate degree program at CCBC to transition to a parallel baccalaureate degree program at the PSU UC campuses. The agreement defines admission criteria and processes, evaluation of transfer credits and academic advising services to support students in their transition from CCBC to the PSU UC campuses. The Penn State majors included in terms of the agreement are the Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science in Administraiton of Justice (AJACC/AJSCC), Bachelor fo Science in Business (BSBCC); Bachelor of Arts in Communications (COMCC); Bachelor of Arts in English (ENGCC); Bachelor of Science in Human Devlopment and Family Studies (HFSCC); Bachelor of Arts in Letters, Arts and Sciences (LASCC); and the Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science in Psychology (PYACC/PYSCC). In addition, the agreement will include specific program-to-program articulation for the Bachelor of Science in Organizational Leadership (OLEAD) authorized for delivery at New Kensington by the College of Liberal Arts, and the RN to Bachelor of Science in Nursing (NURN), authorized for delivery by the College of Nursiing at Fayette, New Kensington and Shenango. All programs are not delivered at every campus.

Community College of Philadelphia

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Harrisburg (Capital College)



The purpose of the agreement is to provide a pathway for students who have successfully completed a transfer associate degree program at Community College of Philadelphia to transition to a parallel baccalaureate degree program at Penn State Harrisburg. The agreement defines admission criteria and processes, evaluation of transfer credits, and academic advising services to support students in their transition from Community College of Philadelphia to Penn State Harrisburg.

Delaware County Community College

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University College



The Pennsylvania State University through the University College for Penn State Beaver, Penn State Brandywine, Penn State DuBois, Penn State Fayette, Penn State Greater Allegheny, Penn State Hazelton, Penn State Lehigh Valley, Penn State Mont Alto, Penn State New Kensington, Penn State Schuylkill, Penn State Shenango, Penn State Wilkes-Barre, Penn State Worthington Scranton and Penn State York and Delaware County Community College establish this Memorandum of Agreement Regarding Articulation to facilitate the matriculation of students from Delaware County Community College to the Penn State University College Commonwealth campuses. The purpose of the agreement is to provide a pathway for students who have successfully completed an AA or AS transfer associate degree program at Delaware County Community College to transition to a parallel baccalaureate degree program in the Bachelor of Science in Biology (BIOCC); Bachelor of Science in Business (BSBCC) and the Bachelor of Arts and Science in Psychology (PSACC/PSSCC) at the University College campuses.

Fachhochschule Hof (HOF) in Hof, Germany

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Abington College


The agreement between Penn State Abington and HOF which began in 2006 was set up to exchange undergraduate students on a quid-pro-quo basis using student-semesters (i.e., one student enrolling for one semester equals one student semester) as the currency of exchange, with a maximum exchange of 10 student semesters per year.

Fort Valley State University

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Earth and Mineral Sciences



A 3-2 cooperative program in Geoscience. Three years, or the equivalent, will be spent by a participating student at Fort Valley State University, where the student will study liberal arts, science, and mathematics. Upon satisfactory completion of the first three years, the student will enter Penn State and complete the Geoscience BS major degree requirements. A successful completion of these programs will lead to an appropriate baccalaureate degree from each institution.

Harrisburg Area Community College

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Harrisburg, The Capital College


Articulation Agreement toward a baccalaureate degree. Penn State Harrisburg will admit Harrisburg Area Community College students with advanced standing who have successfully completed a transfer associate degree. To facilitate this transfer HACC and PSH will develop articulated academic programs.

Harrisburg Area Community College

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Harrisburg, The Capital College


Baccalaureate Dual Admission Policy Agreement. Dual admission provides students with articulated curricula that lead to a bachelor's degree at Penn State Harrisburg. Students pursue their bachelor's degree through seamless enrollment from an associate degree program at Harrisburg Area Community College through upper-division coursework at PSH.

Students apply for admission under the Baccalaureate Dual Admission Policy as early as their senior year of high school but no later than the completion of 30 transferable credits.

Harrisburg Area Community College

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University College



The Pennsylvania State University, on behalf of the University College Commonwealth Campuses and the Harrisburg Area Community College, establish this Memorandum of Agreement Regarding Articulation to facilitate the matriculation of students from Harrisburg Area Community College to the Penn State University College Commonwealth campuses. The agreement defines admission criteria and processes, outlines program to program articulation, provides evaluation of transfer credits and stipulates academic advising services to support students in their transition. Penn State Mont Alto and York will be the stewards of this agreement.

Inter American University of Puerto Rico, San German Campus

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Engineering & Earth and Mineral Sciences



A 3-2 cooperative program in liberal arts and sciences and engineering. Upon satisfactory completion of the first three years in liberal arts and science subjects along with pre-engineering courses, students will enter Penn State to complete the engineering major course requirements. A successful completion of these programs will lead to an appropriate baccalaureate degree from each institution.

Jersey College

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Ross and Carol Nese College of Nursing, Abington Campus



The Ross and Carol Nese College of Nursing, Penn State Abington, and Jersey College have created a 1+2+1-degree program to help Penn State Abington first-year students transition into Jersey College’s associate degree in nursing program and ultimately earn their BSN.

Jersey College

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Ross and Carol Nese College of Nursing, Scranton Campus



The Ross and Carol Nese College of Nursing, Penn State Scranton, and Jersey College have established a 1+2+1-degree program to help students transition into Jersey College’s associate degree in nursing program and ultimately earn their BSN.

Jersey College

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Ross and Carol Nese College of Nursing, World Campus



The Nese College of Nursing, Penn State WC, and Jersey College have established a 1+2+1-degree program to help students transition into Jersey College’s associate degree in nursing program and ultimately earn their BSN.

Joseph F. McCloskey School of Nursing

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The College of Nursing



The College of Nursing of The Pennsylvania State University (Penn State) and The Joseph F. McCloskey School of Nursing (JMSON) establish this articulation agreement to facilitate the admission of JMSON graduates into the RN to BS program at Penn State. JMSON graduates who qualify for admission into Penn State and who have completed the JMSON diploma program requirements will be admitted by Penn State and enrolled in the RN to BS major (NURN) based on meeting the prerequisites and all conditions of this agreement.

Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine

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Altoona College



Affiliation agreement between Penn State Altoona and the Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine (LECOM) School of Pharmacy to establish a joint undergraduate/professional program (the "3+3" / "3+4" Program) of education leading to the Doctor of Pharmacy degree (Pharm.D.).

Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine

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Altoona College



Affiliation agreement between Penn State Altoona and the Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine (LECOM) to establish a joint undergraduate/professional program of education leading to the Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine degree (the Early Acceptance Program).

Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine

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Altoona College



Affiliation agreement between Penn State Altoona and the Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine (LECOM) to confirm an affiliate agreement with their dental school at Bradenton, FL campus. Agreement would provide Penn State Altoona students with an additional professional school opportunity.

Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine

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Erie, The Behrend College



3+4 Accelerated Program in Primary Care affiliation agreement.  Under the joint agreement between Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine (LECOM) and Penn State Behrend (PSB), selected undergraduate students who have successfully completed specific core course requirements at PSB may continue their education in medicine at LECOM in an accelerated program of study.

Lehigh Carbon Community College

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University College



The Pennsylvania State University, on behalf of the University College and Lehigh Carbon Community College establish this Memorandum of Agreement Regarding Articulation to facilitate the matriculation of students from Lehigh Carbon Community College to Penn State University Colleges campuses. The purpose of the agreement is to provide a pathway for students who have successfully completed a transfer associate degree program at Lehigh Carbon Community College to transition to a parallel baccalaureate degree program at the University College campuses with a goal of improving student completion and degree attainment. The agreement defines admission criteria, the academic programs included in the agreement, process for the evaluation of transfer credits and academic advising services to support students in their transition from Lehigh Carbon Community College to the Penn State University College campuses.

Luzerne County Community College

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University College



The Pennsylvania State University, on behalf of the University College campuses and Luzerne County Community College establish this Memorandum of Agreement Regardig Articulation to facilitate the matriculation of students from Luzerne County Community College to the University College Commonwealth campuses of The Pennsylvania State University. The purpose of the agreement is to provide a pathway for students who have successfully completed a transfer associate degree program at Luzerne County Community College to transition to a parallel baccalaureate degree program at the Penn State University College Commonwealth campuses. The agreement defines admission criteria and processes, evaluation of transfer credits and academic advising services to support students in their transition from Luzerne County Community College to a Penn State University College Commonwealth campus.

Misericordia University

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Hazleton Campus


The Pennsylvania State University (PSU) through Penn State Hazleton and Misericordia University (MU) agree to facilitate the transfer of academic credits from PSU's Associate in Science degree in Physical Therapist Assistant program to the Doctor of Physical Therapy degree program offered by MU.

Montgomery County Community College

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Abington College



The Pennsylvania State University, on behalf of Penn State Abington, and Montgomery County Community College establish this Memorandum of Agreement Regarding Articulation to facilitate the matriculation of students rom Montgomery County Community College to Penn State Abington of The Pennsylvania State University. The purpose of the agreement is to provide a pathway for students who have successfully completed an associate degree program at Montgomery County Community College to transition to a parallel baccalaureate degree program at Penn State Abington. The agreement defines admission criteria and processes, evaluation of transfer credits and academic advising services to support students in their transition from Montgomery County Community College to Penn State Abington.

Montgomery County Community College

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Penn State Berks



The Pennsylvania State University (PSU), through Penn State Berks College and The Montgomery County Community College (MCCC) establish this Memorandum of Agreement Regarding Articulation to facilitate the matriculation of students from MCCC to Penn State Berks. The purpose of this agreement is to provide a pathway for students who have successfully completed transfer associate degree programs at MCCC to transition to parallel baccalaureate degree programs at Penn State Berks. The agreement defines admission criteria and processes, outlines program to program articulation, provides evaluation of transfer credits and stipulates academic advising services to support students in their transition from MCCC to Penn State Berks.


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Harrisburg, The Capital College



This Memorandum of Agreement Regarding Articulation ("Agreement") is made and entered into as of the date of last signature by and between Nitte (Deemed to be University) ("NitteDU") and The Pennsylvania State University, on behalf of Penn State Harrisburg and its School of Science, Engineering and Technology ("Penn State", and together with NitteDU, each a "Party" and together the "Parties") hereby agree to establish an articulation program in the fields of Engineering, Engineering Technology and Computer Science under the conditions set forth in this Agreement.

Northampton Community College

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University College



The Pennsylvania State University, on behalf of the University College campuses and Northampton Community College establish this Memorandum of Agreement Regarding Articulation to facilitate the matriculation of students from Northampton Community College to the University College Commonwealth campuses of The Pennsylvania State University. The purpose of the agreement is to provide a pathway for students who have successfully completed a transfer associate degree program at Northampton Community College to transition to a parallel baccalaureate degree program at the Penn State University College Commonwealth campuses. The agreement defines admission criteria and processes, evaluation of transfer credits and academic advising services to support students in their transition from Northampton Community College to a Penn State University College Commonwealth campus.

Northern Virginia Community College

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Harrisburg, The Capital College


This agreement is designed to coordinate transfer policies, enhance advising, and promote the transfer of equivalent courses/credits between Penn State Harrisburg and Northern Virginia Community College.

Ohio State University

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Erie, The Behrend College


Penn State Erie, The Behrend College and The Ohio State University College of Optometry agree to cooperate in providing an accelerated 3+4 undergraduate/professional school education leading to the Baccalaureate and Doctor of Optometry degrees.

Penn Highlands Community College

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Penn State Altoona



Penn State Altoona and Penn Highlands Community College have established an agreement to facilitate the transfer of students who complete an associate degree at Penn Highlands to a bachelor’s degree program at Penn State Altoona, outlining admission criteria, transfer credit evaluation, and academic advising services.

Pennsylvania College of Technology

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College of Agricultural Sciences



This agreement would formalize the transfer of students from Penn College into the baccalaureate program in Landscape Contracting-Management Option in the Department of Plant Science. This articulation will serve an example for future articulations in the college.

Pennsylvania College of Technology

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Penn State



Memorandum of Understanding between Penn State and Penn College to operationalize priority transfer admission included in the MOU signed February 15, 1989.

Pennsylvania College of Technology

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Schuylkill Campus


Agreement between Penn College of Technology and Penn State that establishes a mechanism for graduates of Penn State's Associate of Science degree in Radiological Science (delivered at New Kensington and Schuylkill campuses) to complete requirements for Penn College's Bachelor of Science degree in Applied Health Studies.

Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine

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Abington College



Program affiliation agreement between Penn State Abington and Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine (PCOM) for a cooperative BS/MS/PsyD educational program.

Reading Area Community College

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Berks College


The Pennsylvania State University (PSU), through Penn State Berks College and the Reading Area Community College (RACC) establish this Memorandum of Agreement regarding articulation to facilitate the matriculation of students from RACC to Penn State Berks. The purpose of the agreement is to provide a pathway for students who have successfully completed transfer associate degree programs at RACC to transition to parallel baccalaureate degree program at the Penn State Berks. The agreement defines admission criteria and processes, outlines program to program articulation, provides evaluation of transfer credits and stipulates academic advising services to supports students in the transition from RACC to Penn State Berks.

Reading Area Community College

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Penn State Harrisburg



The Pennsylvania State University, on behalf of Penn State Harrisburg (PSH) and Reading Area Community College (RACC) establish this Memorandum of Agreement Regarding Articulation to facilitate the matriculation of students from RACC to PSH. The purpose of the agreement is to provide a pathway for students who have successfully completed a transfer associate degree program at RACC to transition to a parallel baccalaureate degree program at PSH with a goal of improving student completion and degree attainment. The agreement defines admission criteria, the academic programs included in the agreement, process for the evaluation of transfer credits and academic advising services to support students in their transition from RACC to PSH.

Richmond Community College

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Erie, The Behrend College



The Pennsylvania State University, through Penn State Erie, The Behrend College (PSB), and Richmond Community College (RCC) establish this Memorandum of Agreement Regarding Articulation to facilitate the matriculation fo students from RCC to PSB. The purpose of the agreement is to provide a pathway for students who have successfully completed the Mechanical Engineering Technology associate degree program at RCC to transition to the Plastic Engineering Technology baccalaureate degree program at PSB.

Rutgers School of Dental Medicine

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Penn State


The Memorandum of Understanding, effective as of July 1, 2016, is by and between The Pennsylvania State University (PSU), and Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, Rutgers Biomedical and Health Sciences on behalf of its Rutgers School of Dental Medicine (RSDM). Whereas, PSU offers baccalaureate degrees and is dedicated to the provision of undergraduate edcuational programs consistent with the overall mission of RSDM.

Saint Francis University

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DuBois Campus



The Pennsylvania State University and St. Francis University agree to mutual cooperation in articulating their programs in Physical Therapy. Subject to the terms of this agreement, a student who has earned both an Associate in Science degree with a major in Physical Therapist Assistant (2PTA) and a Bachelor's degree from Penn State is eligible for admission to the St. Francis University Doctorate in Physical Therapy Program.

Shenandoah University

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Mont Alto Campus



Articulation agreement designed for applicants to the Doctor of Physical Therapy program at Shenandoah University who have completed the pre-requisites and who will have obtained both an Associate Degree in Physical Therapist Assistant (2PTA) and a Baccalaureate degree from Penn State University. The 2PTA program is offered at Penn State DuBois, Hazleton, Mont Alto, and Shenango campuses.

SUNY, Univ at Buffalo

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Erie, The Behrend College


Affiliation agreement between Penn State Erie, The Behrend College, and The State University of New York, University of Buffalo School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences to provide an accelerated 3+4 undergraduate/professional school education leading to the baccalaureate degree from Penn State Behrend and the doctor of pharmacy (Pharm.D.) degree from the University at Buffalo.

Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology

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Harrisburg, The Capital College



Memo of Agreement Regarding Articulation Penn State Harrisburg and Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology

The Pennsylvania State University, on behalf of Penn State Harrisburg (PSH) and Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology (TSCT) establish this Memorandum of Agreement regarding Articulation to facilitate the matriculation of students from TSCT to PSH. The purpose of the Agreement is to provide a pathway for students who have successfully completed a transfer associate degree program at TSCT to transition to a parallel baccalaureate degree program at PSH. The Agreement defines admission criteria and processes, evaluation of transfer credits and academic advising services to support students in their transition from TSCT to PSH.

Thomas Jefferson University

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Abington College



Memorandum of Agreement between Penn State Abington and Department of Laboratory Sciences College of Health Professions, Thomas Jefferson University to facilitate the transfer of students from Penn State Abington to the entry-level Master of Sciences in Laboratory Sciences degree program in the Department of Laboratory Sciences (DLS), College of Health Professions, for a 3+2 program.

Thomas Jefferson University

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Abington College



Cooperative agreement between Penn State Abington and Jefferson College of Health Professions of Thomas Jefferson University for the Bachelor of Science and Doctor of Physical Therapy degrees in six years after graduation from high school. Students will spend the first three years at Penn State Abington and then proceed to Jefferson College of Health Professions for the final three years of graduate Physical Therapy coursework. The B.S. in Science with the Life Science Option from Penn State Abington will be awarded after successful completion of the first year at Jefferson College of Health Professions. The D.P.T. degree from Thomas Jefferson University will be awarded after successful completion of the third year at Jefferson College of Health Professions.

Thomas Jefferson University

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Science, Premedicine


Cooperative agreement between Thomas Jefferson University School of Medicine and Penn State Premedicine for the Six-Year Premed-Medical, Accelerated Program for the B.S. and M.D. degrees.

University of Glasgow

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College of Agricultural Sciences



The University of Glasgow and The Pennsylvania State University through its School of Veterinary Sciences and Animals Sciences, in order to enrich their educational and research programs and to strength cooperation between both universities.

University of Glasgow

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College of Agricultural Sciences


Amendment to Articulation Agreement - for original agreement see above.

Vidyalankar School of Information Technology (VIDYALANKAR), India

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University College and the College of Information Sciences & Technology (IST)



This agreement is intended to establish a collaborative program in which students will obtain a Penn State baccalaureate degree in IST by first completing two years of defined study at VIDYALANKAR and then completing two years of study at a Penn State Commonwealth Campus.

Westmoreland County Community College

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University College


The Pennsylvania State University, on behalf of the University College for Penn State Beaver, Penn State Brandywine, Penn State DuBois, Penn State Fayette, Penn State Greater Allegheny, Penn State Hazleton, Penn State Lehigh Valley, Penn State Mont Alto, Penn State New Kensington, Penn State Schuylkill, Penn State Shenango, Penn State Wilkes-Barre, Penn State Worthington Scranton and Penn State York and Westmoreland County Community College establish this Memorandum of Agreement. The purpose of the agreement is to provide a pathway for students who have successfully completed a transfer associate degree program at Westmoreland County Community College to transition to a parallel baccalaureate degree program at the Penn State University College Commonwealth campuses. The agreement defines admission criteria and processes, evaluation of transfer credits and academic advising services to support students in their transition from Westmoreland County Community College to the Penn State University College Commonwealth campuses.